
Still posting...

Just not here. Admittedly, I have been more than a little lax in keeping any sort of regularity to my blogging, however it's more a reflection of what has been monopolizing my time than anything else. This blog isn't intended to be a personal venting space, nor a private musing space, and won't be morphing into that any time soon.

In the meantime I have been working with the Edmonton NextGen project on a number of projects, one of which has been (ironically?) blogging. Feel free to stop by and add your two cents - as long as it isn't a critique of the ugly wordpress template. Suffice to say that has its own history.


Blogger Loren said...

You really are posting!

I'd almost given up on you...

Btw, you wouldn't happen to have and address whereby we could send you a postcard, would you?

4:34 a.m.  
Blogger tiaraletourneau said...

Pfew! I thought this site was dead. I miss your insights and sense of humour. Even if it's brief, do give us a thought or two from time to time to spark our own brains into action.


6:41 a.m.  

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