
The Museum of Modern Art


Blogger Wader said...

I love the reflection. Nice work with the symmetry.

5:57 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'd have to agree with my chum Wader. The symmetry and reflection are rather lovely. (The) MoMa is on my list of things to see one day...

As per the rumblings of conversation I picked up during my visit to E-town... if you desire to indulge more heavily in your photographic pursuits avec tripod sans flash, you should consider using the delight that is flickr. Blogger does have the luxury of built in photo posting, however if you have a surplus of photos to post, say perhaps from a trip abroad, you can post full-resolution photos complete with tags, descriptions, custom titles, slideshows, blogging capability, as well as cut and paste html to link back to your blog. I could continue with my love letter to flickr but zealousness about technological applications is rarely seen as an attrative quality when complimenting the photography of others as it tends to detract from the original message.

So, to recap... lovely photo.

7:07 p.m.  

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