

... is short for National Novel Writing Month (which, incidentally, is November). Some friends of mine brought this event to my attention earlier this year - and had hooked me in 15 minutes. The basic premise is that without written preparation, you produce a novel of 50 000 words minimum during the month of November. You then send this novel in to the coordinators' office, they run a word count, and you either get credit or not for having produced a novel - noone even reads it.

I figure that the trick will be to keep writing. My greatest weakness as a writer is the urge to self-editorialize obsessively. So by the time I've written a sentence, you can be sure that only thing still in draft form is the final punctuation - everything else has been re-re-re-evaluated. For obvious reasons, this makes it hard to produce any volume of work, and ironically hinders the creation of a sufficiently large context to really edit appropriately. So I've been trying to get away from that. Of course, 50 000 words in 30 days means that I will need to produce approximately 1700 words per day minimum, and certainly more if I want time to edit at the end. If that doesn't get the words flowing, nothing will.



Blogger Loren said...

Hey there Aryn,

just thought you might like to know that the NaNoWriMo site is up and working like nuts. Check it out and register (so as you know, there are loads of students registered - even engineers) : www.nanowrimo.org. I registered, and have thrown a couple of posts up to the edmonton group.

12:07 p.m.  

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